Home Apple Top 10 iOS 9.0.X Jailbreak tweaks

Top 10 iOS 9.0.X Jailbreak tweaks


iOS 9.0.2  was recently jailbroken by the Pangu team. Its been about 3 weeks and most of the tweaks have been updated for the iOS 9 jailbreak. Below is the list of TOP 10 jailbreak tweaks of November 2015.

  • Springtomize 3 for iOS 9

Springtomize was updated for iOS 9 today. This tweak allows you to modify your phone altogether. From changing the no. of icons in the dock to changing the look of the control centre everything can be done using this tweak. This is a all in one tweak which is worthy to be installed.


  • iCleaner

The stock iOS software doesnot allow us to delete the cache files created by apps such as facebook. The cache files pile up into the phone thus taking up your valuable space(For 16 GB iphones :P). iCleaner basically cleans up all the cache files making space in your device. Believe me at times about a GB storage has been cleaned on my device using icleaner. Surely a worth using tweak for devices with 16 GB storage.


  • Anemone

Anemone is a theming engine for jailbroken idevices. Anemone helps you to apply themes which can be downloaded from cydia. Thus it helps you to change the look of your device completely.

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  • Revealmenu

For those who are missing out on buying a iphone 6S this is a tweak for you. Revealmenu brings the shortcuts of force touch onto your phone. Long press of the icons brings out a range of shortcuts as in the iphone 6S.

  • Priority HUB

Priority hub is a lock screen tweak. Priority hub groups the notifications of a single app under the icon of the app thus providing a minimalistic look to the lock screen and thus giving it a cleaner look. Just tap on the app and you can see all the notifications from that app.

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  • Sleekcode

Sleekcode helps in changing the various elements of the lock screen thus providing a different lockscreen as per your preference. You can change the blur effect, the button rings, button animations, slide to unock text and many more using this tweak.


  • PowerTap

PowerTap provides you with different options when you press and hold the power button. Options such as reboot ,power off, respring and safe mode are provided.


  • LinkTunes

Linktunes is a tweak which integrates with the itunes app. There is a tab of linktunes from where you can download songs which are directly inserted into your music app. This would save your time of plugging the device to your pc and then syncing the downloaded songs.

  • CCsettings

CCsettings provide you with the option to change the toggles in the control centre. You can have a row of toggles as per our preference. It also includes the cellular data ogle absent in stock iOS.

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  • Switchertweak

Switchertweak helps you change the look and usage of the app switcher. App switcher similar to the android switcher can be optained.  The switcher can be flipped as well.
