Asus India recently launched their Asus Zenfone 3 which mainly focuses on premium Design and So called best specification. In the New Zenfone 3 series Asus has switched the processor from Intel to Qualcomm Snapdragon and along with that, They have also added Finger Print Sensor which has now become a common feature in every other phone. Asus phones which Run custom user interface on top of Android known ZenUi which is really buggy and not so smooth. To give you the fair and unbiased reason why Asus Zenfone 3 is not a buy, Here’s our TOP 5 Reason Why Asus Zenfone 3 is not a buy.
The Price of zenfone 3 is too much for the specifications they are offering. When you compare the specs with the Redmi Note 3 and LeEco you would find that their specs are way much better and offerings are better than Asus which is providing at Rs. 21999/-. The first thing which comes to mind for selecting the phone after the specification is price and Asus have lost completely on the price grounds. The Price is the very important factor when buying a device and it is deciding factor for most of the users.
Asus Zenfone 3 ships with Snapdragon 625 SOC processor. the processor is capable enough though but then you get the better processor with more Cores. CPU is the main part which helps in performing every operation on the device and Asus could have offered Snapdragon 652 which would have somewhat justified the price of the device. Just for design and Brand sake. Snapdragon 652 vs Snapdragon 625 comparison, we referred to the score posted by the mighty OPPO R9 Plus. It managed to get a score of around 82,000 in the AnTuTu test and 1518 (single-core) and 4899 (multi-core) in the Geekbench 3 tests, this is clearly better than the scores on Snapdragon 625 that we saw above. The Cortex A72 cores definitely help the SD652 out-perform the SD625.As always, we would like to note that benchmarks tests only tell one part of the story.
Zenfone UI And Bloatware
The Asus Zenfone 3 ships with Zen UI a customized UI running over Android which is not so appealing and at times lags a bit. Also, zenfone UI has limited customization available. Along with Zen UI the Asus zenfone 3 ships with tons of bloatware. FYI bloatware is the apps which are installed by default and you cannot uninstall them until you have root access to the system and which would your warranty if you root your device. Rooting Device is not everyone’s piece of cake.
Battery and Hybrid Sim slot
The battery on Asus Zenfone 3 is only 2650 mAh which is bit low compared to other budget devices. The battery is not up to the mark even though you have 3000 mAH and 2650mah battery is a bit low. The battery is an important factor because most of the phones run out of juice because of the custom UI and other bloatware apps which drain out the juice quickly. There could have better battery capacity in this phone. Also, there’s hybrid sim slot in the zenfone which allows a user to either use the phone as a dual sim phone with Default storage capacity of 32GB/64Gb or use the single sim and memory card to extend the capacity of the storage.
Even if we forget about the specification and other things Asus has unfortunately priced this device a bit higher which could keep this device away from many potential buyers. Also the higher specifications variant with a 5.5-inch display and 64GB Internal storage.3GB ram is priced at Rs.27,999 right the same price to One plus which offers better specs and camera quality at the same price.